Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just for FYI - Ghosted Again

My avatar has been ghosted and is still stuck. I've tried contacting the land owner but she's offline. I'll be updating this post once it gets fixed. Please do not be offended if I don't answer your IMs, I'm not really online.
All inventory offers and IMs will be lost too. So please don't send anything, I won't be able to receive it.


  1. Dont panic
    You can be free without the land owner
    Try to log down the bandwitch to minimun, and again to maximun, try all times that you need, maybe you will need to be that 20-30 times, but you will can be free, be patient but its right
    Ask me if you need to much help

    (sorry my english)

  2. Hiya! Apologies for the late reply I only saw the comment now. the owner of the sim restarted it so everything's fine now. But thank you for your help! I'm going to try that next time I get ghosted again lol.

    ^_^ Mia
